Catch Up® offers training and support to deliver our two proven interventions

Catch Up® is a not-for-profit charity working to address literacy and numeracy difficulties that contribute to underachievement. We offer two structured one-to-one interventions, Catch Up® Literacy and Catch Up® Numeracy, proven to significantly improve the achievement of learners who find literacy or numeracy difficult.

Latest news

29 Jan - Review and Refresh – Spring Term online sessions

Spring Term dates are now available for our live online Review and Refresh sessions, for Catch Up® Literacy and Catch Up® Numeracy.

Designed for those who attended Catch Up® training over six months ago and who now have experience of delivering the intervention, the Review and Refresh online session offers you a great opportunity to share how your practice is going, and to get further guidance and advice from a Catch Up® Accredited Trainer (and other trainees!).

27 Jan - Lynne’s logic – The Catch Up® Numeracy process part 1

Whilst with us, our lovely Lynne Startin wrote many helpful numeracy blogs. This is the first of a short series looking at the ‘process’ – we hope you find them a useful reminder.

Welcome back to Lynne’s logic!

I thought in these next blogs it would be good to reflect on the whole Catch Up® Numeracy process, and look closely at the 4 stages that form it. It can be all too easy as an established deliverer to focus on the everyday practicalities and any problems that face you session by session, but, hopefully, some time spent reading these blogs might remind you of – and reinforce – the philosophical foundations which underpin the intervention.