Catch Up® offers training and support to deliver our two proven interventions

Catch Up® is a not-for-profit charity working to address literacy and numeracy difficulties that contribute to underachievement. We offer two structured one-to-one interventions, Catch Up® Literacy and Catch Up® Numeracy, proven to significantly improve the achievement of learners who find literacy or numeracy difficult.

Latest news

14 Mar - Drop-in support sessions for Catch Up trained staff

Summer term drop-in support session dates have now been sent to trained Catch Up® staff inviting them to join the informal sessions (being held via Microsoft Teams) which will give them the opportunity to ask any questions they may have, and to chat through anything they would like to clarify or share.

The drop-in support sessions will be taking place on the following dates and times:

  • Catch Up® Literacy – Tuesday 6th May – 2pm – 3pm

  • Catch Up® Numeracy – Wednesday 7th May – 2pm – 3pm


There’s a lot of talk about talk at the moment in education, whether it’s in the Oracy Education Commission’s study: We Need to Talk about Talk (October 2024) or PlanBee’s report: The Power of Oracy in the Primary Classroom (November, 2024) or the EEF’s Blog: What does the evidence tell us about effective oral language practice (November 2024). These reports identify three interrelated, overlapping and mutually reinforcing components of oracy:

  • Learning to talk

  • Learning through talk

  • Learning about talk

The research shows that raising the profile of oracy in schools is a highly effective tool for closing the attainment gap and that pupils from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds - who are more likely to display less developed early language and speech skills than their more advantaged peers - greatly benefit from targeted interventions.

But the Catch Up® interventions are not oral language interventions, I hear you say. That’s true, but the Catch Up sessions do provide ideal opportunities to use talk to foster and deepen learning.