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28th March 2022 - Education Policy Institute (EPI) blogs

There are many charities with programmes working to support children to improve language and communication development and tackling associated disadvantages.

One such programme is the Mercers’ Company’s Early Years Special Initiative, which is funded by the Charity of Sir Richard Whittington. Since its launch in 2019, ten diverse projects (including the Catch Up® Early Years Project) have been funded for a period of three years.

The Education Policy Institute is working with each of the programmes, supporting them with an evaluation framework and drawing out lessons learned across all programmes in the Initiative.

The EPI plans to share findings of the Mercers’ Company’s Early Years Special Initiative via three short blogs, which will focus upon different key topics in early years education.

The first blog, focusing on language development, has recently been published on the EPI website and includes an introduction to the programmes from National Literacy Trust, the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education and Catch Up.

You can find the first blog here.

Descriptions of programmes are based on the Year 2 annual report which has been checked by programmes and made publicly available on the Mercers’ website.

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