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16th September 2024 - Renew your access to the Progress Reporting Tool

To ensure that we meet Data Protection requirements, we ask that all schools who wish to use the Catch Up® Progress Reporting Tool (PRT) re-nominate/nominate a Catch Up® Coordinator every autumn.

This process will begin on the 29th September 2024 - when Headteachers will be sent an email asking them to re-nominate/nominate a Catch Up® Coordinator in their school.

Catch Up® Coordinators who currently have access to the PRT will lose that access from 29th September 2024, until the Headteacher has re-nominated/nominated a Coordinator.

NB: If you are currently using the PRT, any data already entered WILL NOT be lost.

Once the Headteacher has nominated a member of staff, the nominated Coordinator will receive an email to accept the role; they will then see the 'Reporting' tab in the logged-in area of the Catch Up® website, where they will be able to access the Tool.

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