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5th December 2024 - Season's greetings

Dear All,

As we reach the end of 2024 and take time to reflect upon the year, we recognise that it has been a very busy one for many of us, and a year of changes.

We have bid some of the team a very happy retirement during the year, but have also welcomed many new trainees to deliver the Catch Up® interventions and been pleased to have past trainees return to delivery as well. As schools continue to work tirelessly on closing the attainment gap, in a challenging time, we know that the Catch Up® interventions can support progress, and with your help the word is spreading.

Training is consistently rated as good or better, with the majority of trainees rating it as very good or excellent.

  • I really enjoyed the training - informative, great pace, and really interesting. I feel ready and equipped to start! And I'm really looking forward to doing the intervention. Literacy trainee

  • Absolutely amazing. Answered everyone's questions fully. Gave time for us to think and absorb the information. Explained very clearly. Numeracy trainee

  • Great course, very informative and all information presented in a clear and concise manner. Literacy trainee

  • Thank you again for delivering this course, I'm sure it will encourage, support and help our learners moving forwards. The course was delivered clearly and knowledgably. Numeracy trainee

The Catch Up® Accredited Trainers and the admin staff work incredibly hard to ensure that your training experience is as good as it can be, and all are heartened by the feedback we regularly receive.


As we move into 2025, we are looking forward to hearing your feedback about the new resources and guidance for using the interventions with younger learners (older 5-year olds). These resources arose from our Early Years Project, based in London, and supported by an external grant provided by ‘The charity of Sir Richard Whittington (for which the Mercer’s Company is Corporate Trustee). We are pleased to not only offer guidance on how the Catch Up® interventions can be used successfully with younger learners, but also six more leaflets to support parents and carers at home. All available within your user account.

Our work delivering our bespoke ‘Catch Up® Literacy Supporting Reading’ training to foster and kinship carers has continued, and we would like to once again thank the Norfolk Virtual School for working so closely with us to enable us to support more carers/staff and the children/young people. We look forward to working with the other virtual schools in 2025 who have got in touch with us this year, and hope to link with other settings as the year progresses and support even more young people.

We have also been privileged to collaborate with two of the Uni Connect Partnerships during 2024 to train staff and students to deliver both Catch Up® interventions in their local schools as part of their Outreach and Widening Participation work. We would like to thank the teams at Inspiring Choices (York and North Yorkshire) and the Outreach and Widening Participation department at the University of Kent for their enthusiasm and passion to support the learners in their areas. We hope to collaborate with other Uni Connect Partnerships during 2025 in order to reach more struggling learners.

We hope that 2025 continues to be a positive one for Catch Up® and that we are able, with your support, to make the difference to as many struggling learners as possible.

We wish you a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable break.

With warmest wishes

The Catch Up® Team

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