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3rd March 2025 - Catch Up® Training Around the World!

Did you know that our Catch Up® Literacy and Catch Up® Numeracy online training courses can be accessed around the world? Our convenient format of three 2-hour sessions delivered online have enabled trainees from the UK and 35 other countries to receive the Catch Up® training!

We have been so pleased to welcome 491 trainees from schools and other settings outside of the UK and help them to support their struggling learners.

We supply our standard training resources to international schools so that the attendees can access the high quality courses in exactly the same way as those attending from the UK. Places can be booked on our pre-set Catch Up® courses or arranged specifically for your own setting if you have 5 or more staff to be trained.

If you work at a school or educational setting outside of the UK and would like to know more about how to use Catch Up®, please do get in touch!

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