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Find out moreTraining area: Australia and anywhere with internet access!
Intervention: Catch Up®Literacy and Catch Up® Numeracy
Background: Classroom teacher, peripatetic teacher and Work Based Learning tutor
How long have you been delivering Catch Up® training?
Since 2005
What’s been your greatest success as a Catch Up® trainer?
Delivering the Catch Up® interventions in Australia and other countries; allowing more learners worldwide to reach their potential.
What do you like best about Catch Up® training?
The enthusiastic people! Knowing that the practical skills and underpinning knowledge learnt during the training will benefit not only struggling learners in their care, but also all learners they work with.
What would be your Catch Up® top tip/advice?
Never underestimate how much struggling learners can achieve with focused and structured support.
Give one interesting fact about yourself that might surprise people.
I’m a volunteer lifesaver for Life Saving Victoria and a crew member on the Inflatable Rescue Boat.