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The 'recommended by
Catch Up®' logo is awarded to particularly high quality resources that complement and support the
Catch Up® interventions. These include the
Catch Up® Literacy book collections and the
Catch Up® Numeracy apparatus collection, developed working with resellers and bookshops.
The 'recommended by
Catch Up®' logo has been awarded to the following:
Catch Up have developed a range of book collections for primary and secondary schools. Please see the descriptions for details, web links and order forms below.
Pandora Primary Book Collections
Working with Pandora Books (01553 816080), we have selected both scheme and non-scheme books from the country's leading publishers to make two mixed book collections for primary schools. The collections each contain a unique selection of 40 books (fiction and non-fiction) at
Catch Up® Literacy levels 2 to 10 (from books featuring single lines of repeated high frequency words up to those which have whole pages of text with more challenging vocabulary).
Click here to download details and an order form
Pandora Secondary Book Collections
Working with Pandora Books (01553 816080), we have selected books from the country's leading publishers to make two mixed scheme and non-scheme book collections for secondary schools. These collections each contain a unique selection of 40 books (fiction and non-fiction) at
Catch Up® Literacy levels 5 to 12 (from books which have lines of predictable or repeated text to books which have complex sentences and include similes and metaphors).
Click here to download details and an order form
Sheels Educational Ltd
A one-stop shop for school books. With over 18 years’ experience in the Primary Education sector, Sheels Educational Ltd has been helping schools, teachers, librarians and parents develop and update their book collections and raise reading levels of children in schools. Sheels Educational Ltd offer a bespoke service to schools and this includes supplying
Catch Up® titles on request. For further information, contact Sheels Educational Ltd directly at:
Tel: 0208 736 4087